Published on July 6, 2003 By Road_Kill In WinCustomize Talk
in teh LogonStudio code there is a line which read thus:

passwordcharacter: 9679;

it is the line that determines what character is used when you type a letter into the password pane. what i would like to know is if there is a list somewhere of all teh characters and tehircorresponding numbers? any help much appreciated.
on Jul 06, 2003
Teh l0g0nStudi0 d0esnt change teh passw0rd charachter. It is teh Wind0ze hard-coded thingy. But if I am wrong, you can try teh trial and err0r.
on Jul 07, 2003
hmm.... yeah, i don't have a great deal of time to do a trial&error thing though... i think i'll run a google search or summat