Published on January 6, 2003 By Road_Kill In WinCustomize Talk
I'm wondering which of teh two would be better to use. I'm running Windows XP, LogonStudo, and StyleXP. I'm just wondering which proggy uses less resources, what are teh pros and cons of each, and whatnot. I don't want to install something then find out it monkeys with stuff that shouldn't be monkeyed with. ie. if it affects other users on teh computer, i don't want it. any help in this matter would be much appreciated.

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on Jan 06, 2003
My opinion is use window blinds It uses less memory.Its easyer to use also and it monkeys less with your computer.I like them both, I use both.This is my opinion.

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on Jan 06, 2003
StyleXP 'monkeys' with your is an officially unendorsed/unsanctioned hack of a system dll which can hardly be seen as a 'clever' move if one is concerned about OS stability and 'monkeylessness' [new word]...
on Jan 06, 2003
alright, i had no idea that Style XP was such a monkeyfrought proggy.

I think i'll use window blinds then if it affects more than teh desktop. Thank ye fer teh help.
on Jan 06, 2003
could not other users on the computer have their ownpro file letting roadkill use basicaly any eye candy he wanted?
on Jan 06, 2003
Road_Kill...the 'rules' here are as with most responsible places, warez and/or cracks are not requested or condoned.
Considering that is paid-for by the Company who created 'Windowblinds' [Stardock], you can [or SHOULD] clearly understand our position.
on Jan 07, 2003
Jafo.. I just wanted to point out that you said Road_kill.. Shouldn't it be Adam S???? Just wondering.
on Jan 07, 2003, I have the correct person...I had already removed his [Road_Kill] comment from the thread....which does make post #5 look a little 'odd'...
on Jan 07, 2003
I understand. i didn't think so. now, with windowblinds, if i set one theme while logged on as my user, will it be in effect when my brother logs ion under his? i'm just wondering cuz i tried Aston once and it did that, so i got rid of it pretty soon.
on Jan 07, 2003
Sorry, my bad.. I didn't realize there was a comment deleted.
on Jan 07, 2003
Weaksid....that's why we very rarely ever do it....and also why there isn't an 'edit post' function...
on Jan 08, 2003
Adam, that sounds good.. My messageboard I have tells you when a message has been edited at least.
on Jan 08, 2003
That does seem like a good idea, showing editing of messages i mean. After all, if a person looks at something they posted and realises it was edited or removed by an admin/mod, you can sometimes get to wondering just what it's all about. granted, if you write something ina post that doesn't seem likely to be considered "Genuine topic discussion material", then you must know why a post was removed, but it would also help to inform other users, such as Adam.